Show23 at The Front Gallery!

This exhibition focuses a lot on color and light it seems, largely due to the work of this show’s guest artist Jeanne Thurston. The gallery is starting off 2018 with some beautiful art and new innovative ideas! My first painting of the year “Impermanence” seeks to merge experiences of the landscape on a farm with my own internal landscape exploring emotional and physical healing. 

We have to break open in order to let the light enter.

45488403-236F-466D-8941-920C5296EFB3Sculpture by Hasso Ewing, color paintings on Beehive Bars on panel by guest artist Jeanne Thurston, installation view by Janet Van Fleet, and wall mural by Michelle Lesnak. 
Collage by Deluxe Unlimited, and oil painting by me, Lydia Gatzow